A&S Media Report - 12/2/16

97 external media stories tracked
3 press release tip sheets distributed
2 studio appearances arranged
7 Cornell Chronicle stories
4 Internal Cornell Platform stories
3 Cornell Daily Sun stories
11 A&S Website stories
19 Tweets
10 Facebook posts

Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts

A&S Communications
Related People: Wayles Browne , Frances Yufen Lee Mehta, Billie Sun ‘19, David Labib ‘20
Related Department or Program: Romance Studies, Near Eastern Studies, Music, Linguistics, Asian Studies


Cornell Chronicle
Related People: Jia Wei ’20
Related Department or Program:

Sciences and Math

FOX News
Related People: Zhimeng Zhang, graduate student
Related Department or Program: Astronomy

Cornell Research
Related People: Ritchie Patterson
Related Department or Program: Physics

A&S Communications
Related People: Tara Holm
Related Department or Program: Mathematics

Arts & Sciences Communications
Related People: Lisa Kaltenegger
Related Department or Program: Astronomy , Carl Sagan Institute
Cornell Research
Related People: Yuxin Mao
Related Department or Program: Molecular Biology and Genetics
Cornell Research
Related People: Héctor D. Abruña
Related Department or Program: Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Social Sciences

Cornell Chronicle
Related People:
Related Department or Program: Sociology , Center for the Study of Inequality

Humanities and Arts

Ithaca Journal
Related People: Jumay Ruth Chu , graduate student Rosalie Purvis
Related Department or Program: Performing and Media Arts

Arts & Sciences Communications
Related People: Cheryl Finley , Kanitra Fletcher, graduate student
Related Department or Program: History of Art and Visual Studies
Related People: Daniel R. Schwarz
Related Department or Program: Literatures in English
Cornell Chronicle
Related People: Cheryl Finley , graduate student Kanitra Fletcher
Related Department or Program: History of Art and Visual Studies
Cornell Research
Related People: W. Starr
Related Department or Program: Philosophy

Sciences and Math, Humanities and Arts

A&S Communications
Related People: Ross MacDonald '03
Related Department or Program: Literatures in English
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