A&S Media Report - 3/4/16

138 external media stories tracked
2 press release tip sheets distributed
6 Cornell Chronicle stories
7 Cornell Daily Sun stories
18 Tweets
17 Facebook posts

Humanities and Arts

Arts & Sciences Communications
Related People: Alice Colby-Hall
Related Department or Program: Romance Studies
Ithaca Voice and 1 other media outlet
Related People:
Related Department or Program: Literatures in English
A&S Communications and 1 other media outlet
Related People: Scott MacDonald
Related Department or Program: Romance Studies, German Studies
Ezra Update
Related People: Angelica Gangemi '16
Related Department or Program: Romance Studies
Cornell Daily Sun
Related People:
Related Department or Program: Program on Ethics and Public Life

Arts & Sciences Communications
Related People: Daniel R. Schwarz
Related Department or Program: Literatures in English

Arts & Sciences Communications
Related People: Daniel R. Schwarz
Related Department or Program: Literatures in English
Ithaca Journal
Related People: Roberto Sierra Jonathan Schakel, David Miller, graduate students; Kisun Sung, James Spinazzola, Christopher Stark DM '13
Related Department or Program: Music
Ithaca Journal
Related People: Kathryn Schubert PhD '05
Related Department or Program: Performing and Media Arts Cornell Cinema


Cornell Chronicle
Related People: John Lowry '16, Rachel Chuang '16
Related Department or Program:
Cornell Daily Sun
Related People: Willa Tsao ’19
Related Department or Program:

Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts

Cornell Daily Sun
Related People: Trevor J Pinch
Related Department or Program: Science and Technology Studies, Near Eastern Studies, Music

Social Sciences

Related People: Adam Seth Levine
Related Department or Program: Government
Cornell Daily Sun
Related People: Elizabeth Sanders
Related Department or Program: Government
Related People: Sarah Kreps
Related Department or Program: Government
Allegra Laboratory
Related People: Vincent Ialenti, graduate student, Amy Levine PhD '11
Related Department or Program: Anthropology

Sciences and Math

Cornell Daily Sun
Related People: Peng Chen
Related Department or Program: Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Scientific American and 55 other media outlets
Related People: James M. Cordes
Related Department or Program: Astronomy
New York Times
Related People: Sean Marshall, graduate student
Related Department or Program: Astronomy
Cornell Chronicle
Related People: Jonathan Lunine , Jason Hofgartner, Ph.D. ’16, Marco Mastrogiuseppe
Related Department or Program: Astronomy
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